PANEL: Unlocking Efficiency: Cost Optimization Strategies in the Insurance Industry
Date & Time
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 3:55 PM - 4:25 PM
Tarek Fouda Eithan Wolf Christian Kundruß

Cost optimisation in the insurance industry is an ongoing challenge for insurance companies. The industry faces various cost pressures such as regulatory compliance, increasing customer expectations, and rising operational expenses. Our panel of industry experts will provide insight for the development of your cost optimisation strategy by tackling questions such as - 
•    What are the high potential cost optimisation areas in your insurance company that you can leverage?
•    How do you ensure and stabilize a cost efficiency strategy to move forward?   
•    What is the most effective way to identify cost reduction levers?
•    How do you manage the change to cost efficiency?
•    What are real world examples of insurance companies optimising costs and improving operational efficiency?

Location Name
Full Address
Munich Marriott Hotel
Berliner Strasse 93
München Bavaria 80805
Session Type
Digital Platforms: Managing Change & Financial Performance